Discussion and Training to Health Professionals on IMNCI 2015
Hadgu Gerensea,
Tadis Brhane
Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
10 October 2015
21 October 2015
21 January 2016
Abstract: Ethiopia, with 74 million people, has 6th highest number of child death in the world. Every year half a million children under five die. More than 70% of these deaths occur from the five IMCI targeted diseases namely acute respiratory infections (28%), malaria (20%) diarrhea (20%) and malnutrition (55%) and often in combination. Therefore, integrated Management new born and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) strategy is an evidence-based cost effective strategy for managing common childhood illnesses. Similarly, our needs assessment finding on child health services in under-five OPD in ten sample health center selected among five affiliated practice sites of CHS-AKU shows low implementation of IMNCI due to high turnover of trained staffs, high transfer rate of the trained health providers from place to place and mismanagement of the trained staffs at the health center level i.e. these trained was not assigned in the intended site/ for intended specific task. Therefore, the Objective of this project is: To provide in-service training for 20 health professional and to conduct forum discussion with 20 stake holders in affiliated practice site of CHS-AKU on IMNCI to equip the health workers with necessary knowledge and skill management of common childhood illnesses and to strengthen the existing under five child services in all aspects. This project will improve case management in practice site of CHS-AKU by equipping with necessary knowledge and skills to deal IMNCI strategy. It has also improving the practical training settings where students are undergoing professional practice guided by exemplary trained/skilled/ health professionals in practice site –CHS- AKU.
Abstract: Ethiopia, with 74 million people, has 6th highest number of child death in the world. Every year half a million children under five die. More than 70% of these deaths occur from the five IMCI targeted diseases namely acute respiratory infections (28%), malaria (20%) diarrhea (20%) and malnutrition (55%) and often in combination. Therefore, integrat...
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